Friday 26 July 2013

Summer Crafting Obsession

I am home from the trailer for a day or two (I think the tornado warnings spooked me a bit...visions of Dorthy and all that). I have been just brimming with ideas for crafting all summer. Each nights after I tuck the kidlets into their bunks I have been cranking out die cuts and cutting ends off of envelopes.  I have pretty much all of the storage areas in the trailer packed full of scrappy goodness. I am not going to tell you exactly what I have been creating as I want to surprise you when I come home in the fall with a tote full of completed works. I have had the children on alert to grab any soda tabs or beer caps from unsuspecting relatives and the collection has become extensive.  My girlfriend gave me a large plastic pail full to the brim with wine corks (she works at a and I am just looking for suggestions on what to make with them.  Do you have any ideas? Well, I should run as I need to head over to +Karen Watson  site and print off some of her vintage Christmas loveliness.  Have a wonderful summer and take time to be crafty.


Wednesday 24 July 2013

Another Amazing Series By Ginger at My Sister's Scrapper

I was home last night and tried to catch up on my YouTube backlog of missed videos and fell in love with Ginger from My Sister's Scrapper's new series of tutorials on her pocket mini.  If you don't follow Ginger you are missing out.  I feel like I am right there in the room with her learning how to make her beautiful creations. Treat yourself and check this out. I think it is a 6 part tutorial.

Thursday 27 June 2013

A New Way To Let Your Creativity Shine

The other day I came across an opportunity for bloggers to review a new line of high end bracelets. I decided to look further into the product and their idea of "customizing" a bracelet. Come on it's a leather bracelet how much customization can occur ( an initial here, a burned in imprint there). Oh no my friends! These folks really let you get into the nitty gritty of the design. For example: Do you prefer a traditional cow leather or would you prefer frogskin? Do you want brown leather or is sapphire blue more to your liking? If you love bracelets and making something one of a kind, this is the place for you. The bracelets are a bit pricey but if you have an upcoming birthday or anniversary it may be a good time to start dropping little hints.

Guess what! There is even a chance to win a FREE bracelet!

Shebusa Custom Leather Bracelets

The bracelets are made of metal and are merged with precious and luxury leathers such as Ostrich, Alligator, Stingray and snakeskin. For customers who are looking for something more original they offer frogskin or beavertail leather which has an absolutely unique feel.

All of the bracelets are made to order and therefore allows customers to choose the design, the plating and of course the skin with whatever colour they want.

Psssst.....if you use the coupon code MYGRAN you will save 15 %.
That leaves more money in the scrapbooking budget ladies! If you happen to bump into my Hubby over the summer please feel free to let him know I am loving the little green frogskin bracelet.
But hurry it will only work until August 31.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Here we come summer holidays!

My Grandma always used to say "absence makes the heart grow stronger" when I would come home for summer holidays convinced my life was over because I would not be able to see my friends for the WHOLE summer. Well I survived as you may have guessed and now the thought of a summer away camping makes my spirits soar.  I am just floating on air today as I pack up my crafty things (I have my cuttlebug, cricut, beads, paper, adhesive, paints, ribbons, ink pads, stamps) and get ready to head out into the wild yonder(I think i better look to be sure I left room for groceries and the kids!). I consider it wild because I will be without internet for the entire time (minus the times I sneak on with my cell phone to check my facebook). Come on, that would be barbaric not to have facebook for 9 whole weeks.  So I am off tomorrow as soon as my babies get off the bus. I am starting to pack my car tonight.  I will try to upload the odd post over the summer if I am back at the house (gotta have clean clothes sometime) but it will be sporadic at best.  I will be thinking of you all summer and hoping that you are enjoying good friends and good weather somewhere with a lovely view!

If you need me message me on facebook