Tuesday 26 September 2017

Illustrated Faith:Goals with Grace Bible page Layout.

I am working my way through all the past Devotional kits from Illustrated Faith. This week I have been delving into the Goals with Grace kit.

I have always believed that God brings things into our lives at just the right moment. Like an attentive parent he let's us struggle a bit just to strengthen us but then gives us a guiding hand.

That is how I felt when I began working through the Devotional.  I have been struggling with trying to figure out what I should be focusing on in this season of my life. My PTSD limits the energy and opportunity that I have to keep up with everything in my life. For every one item I can cross off my list, another 4 fall to the wayside. After awhile I find myself laying on my bed too overwhelmed to do anything.

Currently I am running a store from my house, trying to parent 3 special needs kids, be a wife, keep up a home, maintain my 2 blogs, youtube, instagram etc. while working on my therapy goals and attending weekly sessions. I feel like a duck, you know, everything looks calm, but beneath the surface the poor thing is swimming with all he has. I know that is not what God wants for me. Somewhere along the way I started striving for the wrong goals and forgot that I need only work towards HIS goals for me. The verse is in Phillipines and it reminds us to focus our energy on God's goals in order to receive the good things he has planned for us.

If you want to see what comes in the kit, feel free to check out my Unboxing video:

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